Monday, September 23, 2013

Does Tattoo have Potential to give you Cancer?

The craze of tattoos has gone widespread with a pace faster than any other viral things like “Gangnam Style” or “twerking”. Not only the teens but elder people are also getting tattoos lately. Recently Darlene Nash, a 57 yrs old granny, just revealed that she got her first tattoo after completing 50 years of her life.

However I don't think that one will be going to risk his life to chase his passion. So it is necessary to know whether the rumor that tattoo causes cancer is true or not. A recent research did by British scientists claimed that there are some nano particles in tattoo pigment which transfuse into the body from ink. The main hazardous components are carcinogenic compounds


According to tattoo ink manufacturers there are 5 percent of tattoo parlors which are using tattoo inks with carcinogenic compounds. Manufacturers are running campaign on their own to reduce this percentage to zero. However the regulating bodies must take some strict measures and banned the use of carcinogenic compounds in ink manufacturing process, so that one must get a tattoo with zero risk of cancer.

People should be given more information about the products in written and regulating bodies must issue certificates which ensure people that it is safe to being tattooed by this particular type or brand of ink. Additionally one should go for ink allergy test before going for a tattoo to make sure his skin is non-allergic to the tattoo ink.