Saturday, December 1, 2012

Arthritis Friendly Recipe: Butternut Soup

You will have to excuse the lack of posting recently - I've had pretty much every bug going and spent most of this winter curled up, dosed up and wrapped up. So there hasn't been much cooking or eating going on. As much as I love the arthritis tackling effects of Humira and other disease modifiying drugs, I'm not a big fan of how exposed they leave me to all the Autumn lurgies. 

One of the few things I have been able to stomach amidst all this is soup. There is only so much shop-bought soup I can deal with though, they pretty much all taste the same after a while, and there is something especially soothing about real home-made soup. This is a very quick, simple little soup that always hits the spot. It's like a hug in a bowl. Make a double batch and freeze the leftovers so when the lurgy strikes you have some on standby.

500g butternut squash (I use ready chopped, you could also use squash and sweet potato mixed)
1 onion
1 medium sized, think-skinned potato
700ml chicken or veggie stock (Kallo cubes are really good)
1 tablespoon olive oil

Peel the onion and chop into quarters. Pour olive oil into large pan and add onion. Throw in the squash and potato. Cover with the stock and bring to a low simmer. Cook for 20-30mins or until the vegetables are soft.  Whizz up with a hand blender and serve.

Arthritis diet notes
Onions have anti-viral properties and butternut squash is rich in betacarotene and vitamin C making this a good cold-busting soup for when arthritis drugs have left you lurgy ridden.