Saturday, September 22, 2012

'Cooking with Arthur' is in the News: Mail on Sunday Article

I'm incredibly excited to have been featured in the Mail on Sunday  this weekend. I've been interviewed about why I'm so passionate about cooking with arthritis (or Arthur as I call it) and asked to share some of my top tips.  
For anyone new to the site, here's a quick run down of what you can find on here:

- All about diet and arthritis, and some tips on eating healthily when you are flaring
- Handy kitchen hints and gadget reviews
- In depth posts on foods and supplements that can help (and some that don't) based on the science, not the myth
- Healthy arthritis-friendly recipes, that are easy to make for the whole family, even when your joints hurt.

I regularly post new recipes and tips, so please check back here or bookmark the site as a favourite.

The Mail article has been a wonderful opportunity for me to share Cooking with Arthur with a wider audience. I really want this site to be a resource for everyone with arthritis or anyone interested in cooking with a medical condition so please share your top tips and tell me what you'd like to see more of. I'm always open to suggestions; leave a comment if there is a particular recipe, diet or cooking problem you would like me to tackle in a future post. Sharing our experiences is the best way we can all keep on cooking with arthritis.

Finally, I was put in touch with the Mail by the lovely people at Arthritis Research UK  as part of their Great British Garden Party campaign. Have a look at their website and think about holding one (you can make my special Orange Drizzle Cake for it). It is a brilliant way to get people together and raise the profile of arthritis. Arthritis Research UK do amazing work providing patients with information and support but they also fund ground-breaking projects into new treatments. I was lucky enough to be treated by one of the clinical trials units they help fund and the difference their works makes is truly life changing. Also look out for National Arthritis Week from the 8th-14th October - another good opportunity to get cooking with arthritis !