Friday, March 9, 2012

Arthur investigates...Mint

Mint is very helpful if any of your arthritis medications give you nausea, heartburn or an upset stomach. Just the menthol-rich smell of it is often enough to help settle queasiness.

Whilst you can buy peppermint oil capsules, you should be careful with these if you already take antacids or medications to decrease stomach acid (like proton pump inhibitors) for heartburn.The special enteric coating on them means that they can dissolve too quickly in combination with these medications and cause even more heartburn and nausea!

Mint is easy to enjoy in your food. A handful of fresh mint with any spicy dish is cooling - try it with Thai dishes or mixed into yoghurt alongside a curry. Mint is also delicious paired with tangy lemon or sharp cheeses, think feta, goats cheese and halloumi. For pudding, try it sprinkled over apples, strawberries, mango or pineapple. Finally, pour boiling water over fresh leaves for a lovely cup of soothing mint tea.