Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fresh Apple Sorbet

We had this last night using the last of the apples from the tree in our garden. It's incredibly easy to make but does involved some peeling and chopping - I recommend checking out some of the apple coring/peeling gadgets if you find it tricky because most of them are very useful.

4 large apples
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime
1tsp ground ginger
250ml cold water
1 tablespoon sugar (to taste)

Serves 4

Peel and chop the apples into thumb-sized chunks. Put in a food processor or blender with the rest of the ingredients and puree until you have a nice loose paste.

Taste and check the levels of sweetness versus acidity. You may need to add an extra spoonful of sugar or a little more lime/lemon.

Pop into an ice cream machine and churn until just at soft scoop texture. This recipe is best eaten the day you make it (which it is impossible not to do!).

Arthritis diet notes:
Apples are a great source of anti-oxidant vitamins and phytochemicals (vitamins A and C) which have been linked in studies to everything from reducing risk of colon cancer to reducing incidence of heart disease. Some researchers have linked the phytochemical quercetin to inhibiting inflammation in arthritis. Apples are also a good source of fibre so can help keep your digestion ticking over nicely!